

2023-05-21 18:30:02实习周记访问手机版

信托说明书 -----不动产转移声明 本信托声明书于19___年___月___日 由___(姓名,地址)(以下简称“受托人”)作出。 This DELARATIN F TRUST is ade the _______day of ____19__, by(nae)(address).(hereinafter referred to as the Trustee) 鉴于 WHEREAS: 1.(略) 1.(oitted) 2. 该项住宅事实上已转让给(姓名,地址)(以下简称“委托人”) 2. The said preises were in fat assined to (nae and address of benefiiary) (hereinafter referred to as the Prinipal ) 本文据证明,受托人在此宣称,从该转让日起,已为委托人以信托而持有并将继续持有该住宅,该住宅的收入和利润及销售或处理时所得的收益,受托人在此同意,在该委托人要求时将该住宅转让、转移或作其他处理给委托人,或按委托人指示或指定在其时或以其指定的形式转让给其指定的人。

NW THE DEED WITNESSETH that the Trustee doth hereby DELARE that the Trustee has sine the date of the said Assinent held and heneforth hold and stand possessed of the said preises and the inoe and profits thereof and the proeeds of sale thereof in ase of the sae shall be sold or disposed of UPN TRUST for the Prinipal and the Trustee doth hereby aree to assin transfer or otherwise dispose of the said preises to the Prinipal at the said (Prinipal) request or to suh person or persons at suh tie or ties or in suh anner as the said Prinipal shall diret or appoint. 并在此声明,在本文据存在期间,一受托人有权指定新的或额外的受托人。 IT IS HEREBY FURTHER DELARED that the Trustee shall,durin the subsistene of this Deed,have power of appointin new or additional trustees. 为昭信守,受托人于上述日期盖章签字 I N WITNESS whereof the Trustee hereto has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. 清 单 THE SHEDULE ABVE REFERRED T 受托人签字盖章 SINED SEALED and DELIVERED by 在场见证人 The Trustee in the presene of: