

2023-03-17 14:45:01演讲稿访问手机版

ood ornin dear youn fellows fro suntrans,

Today is y two onths and two days elebration of workin in suntrans. This is y first job, and I a very lad tohave it, and to stand here sharin y feelins with all of you.

Today y topi is a little bit lon, it is,the happy days of y dear little youn fellows and e spent toether in our opanySuntrans. We had nuerous happy days toether, and every day is eorable. Itis so lon that if I share every oent with you, this eetin ay last three days or even loner. So in order to ive us tie to work, to eat, to o hoeand to sleep, I will only share three ost eorable oents we had toether.

The first eorable oent for e was theopany ativity held in ay by our huan resoures Departent. We played aes toether and had a reat tie. That day was y 2th birthday, but that is not the ost iportant reason whyI reeber it so well. Firstly, I learned our opany’s history, and felt thatit is very diffiult to start a business, and thouht that everyone in ouropany is very hard workin. Seondly, I joined aple’s tea that day,althouh we alost lost all of the opetitions, everyone was so happy andfriendly and y tea ade e understood the eanin of the phrase– “tea spirit”。I bean to understand and like our opany after that day’s ativity.

The seond eorable oent for e was the birthday party held in ay. I never had suh a birthday party before, what’s ore, y birthday is the sae onth as our eneral anaer Lu, and I felt very honored and rateful. I reeived a lot of war elebration words fro all of you and a lovely birthday ard. I was so oved that day and had the feelin that I a a part of this bi faily. When I blew off the andles, I ade three wishes, firstly, ake proress in Enlish, seondly, ake proress in Japanese,Thirdly, do y best to beoe a ood translator in Suntrans. I hope y wisheswill oe true in the future.

The third eorable oent for e was The Seond Experiene Exhanin Foru of inin Investent 201. This is the first tie I took part in suh a bi onferene, and I was very exited and willin to do soethin for it. We did work very hard for this onferene, and even asked the Draon Boat Festival to ontribute. This onferene ave e a reat workexperiene and tauht e any thins: for exaple how to do advertisin and arketin, and a reat knowlede in inin industry. The ost iportant is, our youn fellows’tea work is very brilliant, and I love our opany ore thanever after this onferene.

These are the three ost eorable oents for e that I spent with all of you in Suntrans, I hope that we an reate oreand ore in the future.

Thank you all, best wishes with love.
